Online School Admission System & Fee Collection Management Software
Schools offer scholarships or concessions to deserving students. In most schools students qualify for scholarship or concession in fees on the following basis:
- Limited financial means of the family
- Exceptional merit performance of student
List Of Scholarship Or Concessions That Are Offered To Students :
- Government Of India
- Economically Backward Class or caste
- Backward Class or caste
- Free-ship
- Girl’s concession
- Primary Teacher’s ward Concession
- Secondary Teacher’s Ward Concession
- Ex Service Man Scholarship
Disclaimer: Schools hold discretion to offer all, few or none of the scholarships mentioned above. KarnaniSOFT customizes this module on the basis of School’s offerings to students. KarnaniSOFT isn’t responsible for any scholarship or concession except school ERP that manages the process of Scholarship and Concessions.
Scholarship And Concessions Module Generate Following Reports
- Statement “A”
- Pre-middle school report
- Teacher Concession report – PTC / STC
- SSC Sanctioned Entry
- Ex–Service Man, Maji Sainik Palya Prastav
- Navin Shishyavrutti Patra (Student)
- Samaj Kalyan (SSC Exam)
- Sanction Report
- Disbursement Register
- Award List
- Scholarship Certificate
- Abstract reports and scholarship bill can be generated

We Provide multipurpose school management system which aids in automating the school’s daily operations hassle-free and provide insightful reports and 360-degree tracking so that the stakeholders can make better and faster decisions to escalate the productivity of their institution.