1. AI-Assisted Development
Nowadays, many development platforms have added AI capabilities to increase development speed and easiness. For us, we seamlessly fuse AI with AIFusion™ into the user and developer experience.
AIFusion directs developers to avoid getting lost, testing code, and speed-up. Developers save time by developing new or expertly editing existing ones, learned from over 15 million anonymized trends and games, deciding what to add to logic flows. It also senses when a developer is lost and provides right-in-time assistance, orientation, and information on-the-platform, so there is no breakage.
AIFusion guarantees AI provides as a mentor to developers. It recognizes what each developer is wanting to do and gives direction along the way. New, amateur and sophisticated developers alike are becoming more proficient with AI’s help.
2. AI for Apps
Using AI is now a competitive differentiator. It can accelerate an outcome, allow more informed decision-making, and provide more relevant and meaningful customer experiences. So it is spot on the prediction that the growth of using AI to power business processes and CXs will be tremendous.
From large and small industry to tech giants like Microsoft to startups like Narrative Science and Cynere, are making significant strides in this trend in software engineering. Adding cutting-edge AI capabilities to projects is critical for the second half of 2022.
3. Automation of Robot processes
Many organizations implement RPA to achieve higher efficiency levels. In particular, they use RPA for rotary, repetitive tasks better suited to machines than humans do. An example of this is contract review or onboarding of employees. Also, they use RPA to supplement the speed and volume of human work.
But the RPA ‘s most significant value proposition is that it frees everyone from being more strategic and boosting innovation through automation and bots.
4. Progressive Web Apps
Presently PWA’s are on fire. Without involving the app stores, this sort of app combines the functions of native apps and website accessibility. PWAs will operate offline, send push notifications, and access device hardware such as cameras or GPS, much like native apps. The user experiences on mobile and desktop devices are identical to native apps without installing or upgrading any hassles.
PWAs can be developed more quickly than native apps and are easier to maintain. Compared to native apps, they use one codebase for all users, are searchable by search engines, and are small. They occupy lesser space on a mobile device since they are lightweight (often less than 1 MB).
5: Continuous Integration and Delivery
With CI / CD, IT teams can automate implementing and evaluating change as it evolves. Thus, they can speed up the flow of technological improvements to manufacturing environments and intensify the feedback loops in the distribution pipeline. As a result, in the creation stage, they notice problems early and act upon them rapidly.
When digital is the new standard, CI/CD will significantly influence how the IT team operates by accelerating development cycles and the customers’ experience by accelerating the introduction of improvements and feedback loops. You can learn more about the automation of the CI/CD and DevOps in this article.
6: Speedy Prototyping and Innovation
Disrupters know that innovation can come from anywhere within their organizations, so their employees are rewarded accordingly. Many businesses will follow suit, and if they continue to restrict creation to a handful of employees or a single department, they will fall behind their rivals.
Many organizations have increased their adoption of low-code platforms and prototyping tools to facilitate more innovation. These technologies turn concepts rapidly into prototypes, minimum viable products (MVPs), and even entire applications.
7. Digital Transformation
Organizations are now forced to digitize everything they can, from processes to consumer interactions, because of the times we live. The method of transforming historically comparable “things” and manual, human-centered activities into their digital equivalents is digital transformation. New and exciting innovations can proliferate with digital transformation, but there needs to be a process to turn them into ultimate benefits.
The pace of execution is critical. Although digital transformation is a multi-year project, the game rules are continually evolving from competitors to disrupters. Companies need to invest in resources that promote faster innovation cycles and enable higher organizational agility levels to keep up with the speed demanded by the market.
To learn more about the innovations and approaches businesses are investing to accelerate their creation of apps, check out the Pace of Change report, based on the responses from 2,200 IT professionals and senior IT leaders worldwide.
8: Low-Code Development
Developers were wary of low-code platforms because they spent several years practicing their school and work skills. So, as a result, many doubt that low-code platforms can be taken seriously because a great application has traditionally required many human knowledge and skills to develop. Even so, entire development teams still accept low-code.
Not all low code platforms are similar. Some low-code platforms are intended for software developers, some target web developers, and some target people.
Enterprise-grade platforms such as OutSystems allow developers to write applications a magnitude order much quicker than ever (e.g., in hours versus days, days versus weeks, weeks versus months, etc.). They then have more time to invent and take the backlog on strike. Also, they will reduce technical debt and prevent potential accumulations of more.
9. Development Of Futuristic Apps
New software languages and frameworks are developing commercially and in open-source communities all the time. Any time a new technology comes down the pike, businesses can not afford to rewrite their applications. On the other side, they can not afford to lag behind rivals technologically.
Companies need to invest in technologies and resources that will help deter them from changing technology. For example, some of our clients have weathered more than 14 years of technology development and growth without rewriting their apps.
10. Dual Speed Development
Software development is evolving at double rates in many organizations. Whereas one software development team uses resources to speed up applications, another team continues to work as they always have. While there is nothing “wrong” with that and there may be good reasons for it, especially in highly regulated firms, creating “haves” and “have-nots” in a company is likely to cause cultural friction.
Executives and boards of directors observe the dual-speed phenomenon, and they wonder why the tortoises can not keep up with the hares. Some companies and teams in software development require low-code use to increase the speed of application production. Others, including Humana’s health care firm, have made participation voluntary, with designers choosing in their spare time to work on convincing low-code projects. The project’s success has sparked sponsorship of new initiatives at Humana, and more designers are crying out to work on the developing projects.
Get Ready for 2022
These are just a few predictions we foretell for 2022 since they seemed more critical than ever to us! This year, the next step is to enter your home or workplace’s comfort or workplace and reach your maximum productivity potential.